Monday, November 3, 2014

November update

I wanted to post an update on our journey. I've gone through quite a few rounds of clomid. Dr. berg increased me to 100mg. Blood test confirmed I have been ovulating, but very late in the cycle according to my smiley faces!  The side effects are horrible! I wouldn't wish clomid side effects on anyone! I actually just finished my last one of this cycle last night. Sadly..(or happily if I get pregnant) this will be my last round of clomid for now. Dr. Berg can't go any further with me, so I'm being referred once again go another specialist. At this point I think Josh and I have decided to give it all we got this cycle and try and pray like crazy that it happens, but if it doesn't it's time for us to take another step back. It's hard. It's exhausting. It's frustrating! Plus my body physically can't handle another round of hormones. The holidays are coming and I really don't want to be a crazy woman! So for now, especially the next 4 weeks I ask you all to join with me in prayer that this is our time! I'll update soon!