Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Keep Walkin'

I'm finally ready to write about our heartbreaking results. If it hasn't been obvious the IUI cycle was another failure for us. I did everything I could to make sure this would work, and it just didn't. We don't know why. I've gone over this time and time again wondering if I did something that made it not work. I literally didn't workout, take any medication at all. I had my shake everyday. No baths, but lukewarm showers. I listened to music during the day to attempt to limit stress. Why did this not work? Only God knows the answer to this. Not our time. But when? I don't expect most of you to understand the place I am coming from, but I assure you that it's frustrating beyond anything you could ever possibly imagine. The money saved for this round of IUI is gone and my miracle baby is still yet to arrive. No double pink lines for me yet. Someday I pray I'll have that joy of seeing positive results. For now, I dry my tears and as Toby says "move, keep walkin.."