Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 - Lucky 13

Everyone always looks at me funny when I say "Lucky 13". I know its associated with Friday the 13th and bad stuff.  I've always said lucky 13 because, well I was born on the 13th. Several of my good friends also were born on the 13th. Its not so bad!

This is a new year and our 13th year of trying to have a baby. I'm not going to lie. Its absolutely exhausting! All the invaisve trips to the doctor, blood work, painful testing. Then there is the medication, the horrible side effects that last for weeks if I'm lucky enough to not get a UTI, yeast infection or cyst I'm golden or so I hoped I would be, but no double pink lines on my pee stick that's way overpriced for something that gets peed on and then thrown (with force) in the trash can. And the cost of it. I actually made the stupid mistake of guestimating how much over the last 12 years I've spent just on fertility treatment, medication, acupuncture, supplements, etc. That itself made me bawl, I could have put a child through college.

So here is to a new year, 2017. Lucky 13! Please Lord, hear our prayers and make it our year!