Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Keep Walkin'

I'm finally ready to write about our heartbreaking results. If it hasn't been obvious the IUI cycle was another failure for us. I did everything I could to make sure this would work, and it just didn't. We don't know why. I've gone over this time and time again wondering if I did something that made it not work. I literally didn't workout, take any medication at all. I had my shake everyday. No baths, but lukewarm showers. I listened to music during the day to attempt to limit stress. Why did this not work? Only God knows the answer to this. Not our time. But when? I don't expect most of you to understand the place I am coming from, but I assure you that it's frustrating beyond anything you could ever possibly imagine. The money saved for this round of IUI is gone and my miracle baby is still yet to arrive. No double pink lines for me yet. Someday I pray I'll have that joy of seeing positive results. For now, I dry my tears and as Toby says "move, keep walkin.."

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

It's just a backache

Actually, it's not just a backache. For me it's worrying if I have another ovarian cyst forming. It's excruciating back pain, that nothing can relieve. It's not being able to sleep or get comfortable enough to even dream about sleeping. And to think I still have 7 days of hormones I still must take. The very thought of taking those pills makes me want to scream. I'm so sick of everything. The fertility treatments, the uncomfortable smiling when I'm around a pregnant co-worker while everyone goes on and on about the pregnancy. This is one of my down moments. Let me tell you. I'm way down. So down I actually had the thought of quitting. That's scares me the most. The thought of me actually contemplating giving up my journey and saying that's it. I'm never going to be a mom. I honestly don't think I could do it. Time will tell. I'm gearing up for my next IUI. For now, I lie awake in bed with tears of the baby I so long for, while dealing with this annoying backache.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Soul Cyster

The phrase "Taking a break" has a meaning for everyone. Instantly when I hear that phrase I think of Ross and Rachel. Because, well you know that I am a Friends fanatic. For couples TTC taking a break is a breathe of fresh air. Its time to get away from OPKs and to enjoy each other without having a set schedule. My breathe of fresh air gave me the mental clarity that I needed to come up with a new game plan. Everyone needs a game plan right? For me not having a plan would lead to anxious thoughts because I am a clearly visible person. Josh and I decided to return to The Reproductive Medicine Group, but not with Dr. Tarantino. I have heard great things about Tarantino and personally know three couples who have successfully conceived with him. For me, It wasn't a good fit. The reason being, he didn't listen to me. I mean really listen to my concerns. He tried a few rounds of clomid, but never suggested to increase the dosage. He tried a few rounds of femera, and Hcg injections, but again never suggested to increase them. As you all know I started the process of having my first IUI (Intrauterine insemination) a few years ago. Everything was going great, until my follicles stopped growing. I had to abort the cycle and money I raised was gone. I was heartbroken.  Dr. T wanted to rush me into IVF, no questions asked. This is where I draw the line. I see IVF as playing God and is against my (and Josh's) beliefs. Granted, some of my close friends have been though IVF and they have sweet babies. I do not judge them, and I am so happy they have their miracle baby! For me and Josh personally this is our view. Back to him not listening to me. He crammed this down my throat. IVF is a VERY expensive procedure costing thousands of dollars. I finally had to tell them to stop calling the house and mailing me packets with payment methods. Enough was enough. I personally was done with Dr. Tarantino. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I returned after a long break to see Dr. McCormick. She was a breath of fresh air just meeting her. She listened to my concerns, and asked me the dreaded question that I already suspected, and asked Dr T about years ago. She asked if I knew what PCOS was. It's Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I provided the link here if you are curious in reading what it is. As I exhaled, I said yes. I have suspected this for years but Dr. T wouldn't listen and test me for it. She ordered blood work and a 2 hour glucose test. Upon my doctor visit I see that my testosterone levels were way too high for me, being a woman. It explains the excess hair growth, the sensitivity to sugars, the irregular and complete absence of cycles, the ability for me to lose weight and keep it off. (i have to work my booty off to lose it) Everything came clearly into focus for me. This disease has taken control of my body and has wreaked havoc for years because it went untreated. I knew deep down from my own research that this is what was wrong with me, but actually hearing the words was extremely hard to take in. I bawled in the doctors office. I cried for the heartache that Josh and I have gone through. I cried for all the injections Josh had to give me. I cried for the painful tests, and medications that literally but my body through hell. This was all for nothing, because my PCOS was not under control. The what ifs starting flooding my thoughts. What if this was treated? Would I have a child that is almost 9 years old? Would we have a larger family? What if.. what if?  After my days of accepting this, and chatting with 3 of my good girlfriends and understanding that this is my new beginning. I finally have answers! I have PCOS and now its time for me to fight back! I will not let this defeat me or steal any more of my joy. I will get this under control and will get pregnant! This coming Friday I have to do another dread HSG (dye test). As painful as it is, I know this is what I must do in order to move forward in my treatment. I am slowly changing my diet to Paleo. No sugars, No carbs, No red meat, no processed foods. It's not much different that the FitGirlsGuide. It just takes different thinking and planning of meals. In the end, its better for Josh and I to eat this way anyways. So today I stand up wearing Teal because I am a PCOS "Cyster".