Thursday, August 14, 2014

Life not Death!

I decided to blog about this since I had a million thoughts racing through my head as I drove into work this morning. As I went to bed last night I checked my e-mail and I normally do and saw a prayer request for the West Pasco Pregnancy Center. For Some reason last night I was drawn to reading it. In summary, today two abortion vulnerable women will meet for the first time and discuss their "options" My heart sank to even think about abortion as an "option". I am a Christian and 100% pro-life. These babies are a precious gift from God and to even think about ending their life is such a horrible thing. I know some may say to me that I am over sensitive to anything baby because of my struggle with infertility. Well, I can honestly tell you that if I had 5 babies I would still feel the same way. Babies are a gift from God and if it turns out that I never can conceive I will still feel as strongly as I now about this. I don't know that I will be able to conceive. That is something I battle with daily. It's painful, no one knows just how painful it is, but as a child of God I must be obedient and wait on His timing. If the window for me closes, then I know it was not in His plan for me and maybe some other little boy or girl is out there somewhere waiting on me to be their mom. Their mom must have chosen life in order for them to have a chance at life. So please pray with me today that these two women will open up their hearts and will chose life for their unborn babies!

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